St. Helen Parish Garden Do you love to grow things? Our seasonal parish garden, located behind the St. Julie Center, could use your skills! Or maybe you WANT to learn to grow things?! We'd love to see you, too. All produce grown is donated to local food pantries for the hungry in the area. Contact: Sadie Seward 937.426.9942
Prayer Chain Parishioners who are part of the Prayer Chain receive weekly email updates on parishioners, family members, and friends for whom we have been asked to pray. Contact: Lynn Middy 937.254.6233 ext. 303
Service within and beyond the Parish
Prayer Shawl Ministry Are you a knitter? Do you crochet? Do you love surprising folks with your homemade creations? Would you be interested in putting your knitting skills to good use in the service of others? Join our "knitting circle" as we socialize, pray, and knit or crochet prayer shawls for members of our parish and friends who could use a boost of love and compassion. If you don't know how to knit, come anyway! We will teach you. If you prefer to make shawls at home, that is OK too. When you complete one, you can notify us, and we will make arrangements to have it blessed. Contact: Sadie Seward 937.426.9942
St. Vincent DePaul Society The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) is an international Catholic organization of laypersons who seek to grow in holiness by helping those who are suffering. No work of Christian charity is foreign to the Society. Vincentian helping can include any assistance that promotes human dignity and integrity. The Society is concerned not only with relieving the need, but also with addressing the situations that cause it. We serve persons in need regardless of creed, opinion, race, caste or origin. At St. Helen, our primary function is the provision of emergency relief such as food and help with housing and utility bills. Through the thrift stores operated by the Dayton SVDP District Council, we provide clothing and furniture. The work of the Society is confidential. Contact: Fran O'Shaughnessy 937.657.8315
St. Vincent Hotel "Fourth Sunday" Team This "team" is a group of parishioners who provide all the food needed to serve one dinner at St. Vincent Hotel. We send out an email announcing the menu to our list of volunteers, and people respond with what they'd like to donate that month. It's usually a casserole (recipe & pans provided), brownies, or bags of salad. Donations are always voluntary. Contact: Stacy Mezera 848-8678