End of Dispensation Guidelines
For safety reasons (non-COVID related), we will continue to use the entrance we have been presently using, the main doors in the front of church. The handicap door located at the East end on the back side of church is also available. The door will be closed and locked approximately fifteen minutes after Mass begins.
Effective August 1, 2023 we are doing away with a socially distanced area of the church. Anyone who would like to wear a mask to Mass is welcome to continue to do so and may sit in any open seat available.
During Mass, we have returned to the practice of passing the basket for tithe. E-Giving continues to be available through Faith Direct at https://membership.faithdirect.net/OH790
The open restrooms continue to be those in the lower level and the hallway behind the reredos (crucifix wall).
At the end of Mass, you may exit through any of the doors.
Confession and anointing of the sick is offered in English on Wednesday evenings from 6-7 PM.