Jesus, be near to us.
On behalf of St. Helen Parish, we wish to extend our deepest sympathy to you, your family and friends for your loss. As you enter these days of mourning and preparation for the funeral of your loved one, please know that we will walk with you and assist you on this journey, not only in preparing the funeral liturgy, but in the days to come. FUNERAL GUIDELINES AT ST. HELEN PARISH After the funeral home consultant calls the parish office to coordinate the date and time of the funeral with our pastor, a trained bereavement minister will contact your family to set a planning time. The bereavement minister will provide a planning sheet, potential Gospel Readings, 1st Reading & Responsorial Psalm, 2nd Reading, and music options. During this meeting they will also learn more about your loved one and help you finalize appropriate readings and music for the funeral service. As many family and friends as appropriate may come to the parish office for this meeting. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES The parish will cover the ministries for Mass. These roles include an organist, lectors, cantors, ushers, servers and Eucharistic ministers. Our music director has final discretion for approval of music selections, visiting musicians and visiting vocalists. In general, music selections must be in our hymnal to allow participation by the congregation. At the planning session, the group may discuss having family members serve in some of these capacities. Office staff will print worship aids (programs) for use at the funeral. PRE-PLANNING A FUNERAL If you would like to inquire about pre-planning a funeral, please call the parish office when you are ready. We have experienced volunteers available to work with you confidentially to make note of your wishes. Once completed, a copy of the planning sheet is filed at the parish office. If you have any questions please call Will at 937-252-9919 or email him at [email protected] |