Ministry Scheduling
Students in grades 5 through 12 (as well as adults for the 9:00am mass and funerals) are welcome to become altar servers. This ministry is a wonderful way for school-aged children especially to take on roles of responsibility and leadership in the parish and the Church. For students, permission from parents is required. Training sessions must be attended for all new servers. Contact: Deb Danner 937.254.6233 x306
More commonly known as Lay Eucharistic Ministers, these people assist the priest and deacon in the distribution of communion at Mass. At times, they are called upon to perform special tasks such as assisting with the distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday or handing out palms on Palm Sunday. This ministry requires displaying a special reverence to the Consecrated Body and Blood of Christ
Training is required before a person may begin this ministry and ongoing formation occurs approximately once per year. A person must be commissioned as a regular Extraordinary Minister before they may take communion to the Sick and Shut-ins. Contact: Deb Danner 937.254.6233 x306
Men and women of the parish proclaim the first and second scripture readings and occasionally read announcements or intercessions at all weekend Masses and other liturgical celebrations.
A training workshop on the essentials of good scripture proclamation is provided to all new lectors. Contact: Deb Danner 937.254.6233 x306
Sacristans are responsible for preparing the church for our liturgies by taking care of communion vessels, altar cloths, church decorations, flower arrangements, church cleaning, and a variety of other tasks. Contact: Mary Finnegan 937.232.2399
Ushers assist at all Sunday and most Holy Day Masses to assist with seating, questions, collecting the offering, and coordinating the procession of the gifts.
We are currently workng to establish a ministry of greeters, for our 9:00am Mass. Greeters are encouraged to welcome parishioners and guests in the vestibule as they come in to church and direct people to restrooms, the nursery, or other services as neccessary. Contact: Deb Danner 937.254.6233 x306
This ministry equips church members to meet with families as they plan the funeral services of their loved ones. Special attention is given to the readings and songs chosen for a funeral mass.
Each minister receives training to plan the liturgy as well as information on being present for the mourning family and friends. This ministry requires a very special, compassionate spirit. Contact: Nancy Lamm 937.253.3020
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